(719) 228-9400

Kitchen Organizing Mistakes To Avoid

In this 2nd of our two-part series on Kitchen Organization, we share the most common kitchen organizing mistakes we see and how to avoid them.


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Monday, 26 April 2021
Kitchen Organizing Mistakes You Might Be Making Kitchen Organizing Mistakes You Might Be Making

Welcome back to our 2-part series on Kitchen Organization!  Last month we focused on the kitchen design tips that can keep your kitchen running like a well-oiled machine.  This month, we are examining some of the common kitchen organizing mistakes that we come across on a regular basis, and offer our suggestions on how to avoid the clutter and get your (kitchen) joy on.

Stacking Instead of Racking

One kitchen organizing mistake that Colorado Springs homeowners are often surprised by is the way items are stored in pantries, drawers, and cabinets. Especially in smaller kitchens where space is limited, filing items (like files in a desk drawer) rather than piling them, can have a big impact on accessibility and organization.   

So make time to think about what storage solution will work best for you. For example, if you're storing pots, pans, Tupperware, or lunch boxes, then a pot lid organizer can help keep items organized and easily visible. 

Vertical Space in Cabinets

Another kitchen organizing mistake we see time and again is not maximizing vertical space in your cabinets. Large open spaces in a cabinet can result in stacking items, which makes it difficult to find anything that's not at the very top or bottom. To use your vertical space efficiently, you may need to adjust shelving, and even make use of the inside of cabinet doors.

Get Rid of Gadgets You Never Use

Having enough storage is a kitchen must-have, but having too much stuff is a common kitchen organizing mistake that can often make you feel like you never have enough storage. If you are running out of space or if clutter is killing your productivity, you might need to consider purging your kitchen of unused gadgets, serving bowls, and large pans that haven't been touched in years. Keeping kitchen items you never use or no longer need is often the leading cause of clutter, overstuffed cabinets and drawers, and is a very common kitchen organizing mistake you want to avoid.


Brette Sember said, “Keep in mind that kitchen organization is not a one-shot deal. It's a lifestyle. You need to sustain it. It isn't just a matter of getting organized, but staying and thinking that way. “  

Whether your kitchen is large and spacious or small and tight, the way you organize it has to fit your lifestyle and your personality.  If your layout isn’t intuitive to you, it will be harder to keep it organized. At Designer Kitchens, our certified kitchen designers have been helping Colorado Springs homeowners make the most of the space they have (or don’t have).  Call us today for your free in-home consultation. 

Need More Inspiration? Read:

Our Favorite Kitchen Design Inspiration Websites

How to Make Your Kitchen More Welcoming

Why Remodeling Your Kitchen Is Always Worth It

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