(719) 228-9400

Budgeting for Kitchen Upgrades

Upgrading your kitchen? Use these budgeting tips to ensure you save enough money to cover all of your wants and needs, with a little left over for ext...


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Monday, 14 May 2018

Set Your Kitch Remodel Budget

Setting a realistic renovation budget can be difficult. 

On average, homeowners spend about $20,000 during a kitchen remodel. That said, unexpected changes, unavailable materials, and spur of the moment adjustments can all lead to an inaccurate budget. Just the same, looking at the cost of everything you’d like to include in your Colorado Springs kitchen upgrade or remodel will help you get an idea of just how much your dream kitchen will cost, and what features/appliances you’re willing to compromise on. 

Set your kitchen remodeling budget by:

  1. Writing down a list of everything (yes, everything!) you would like to include in your kitchen remodel.

  2. Find the average costs of each item on your list. Do this by reviewing online stores like Amazon, Home Depot, and Lowes. Write the average cost of each item to the right of the item name.

  3. Total the cost of everything on your list.

If the total cost for your dream kitchen is more than you’re ready to spend, do one of these three things: 

  1. Remove items from your list until you reach the desired total dollar amount.

  2. Keep all the items on your list; however, switch product styles and manufacturers to more cost-effective options.

  3. Set your kitchen remodeling/renovation date further out to give you time to save for the additional features.

Think About Home Resale Value 

While creating your kitchen remodeling budget, consider your plans for moving or staying in your home. Many Colorado Springs homeowners choose to renovate their kitchen because it is said to bring up to a 70% return on investment when the home is sold. 

But beware: some homeowners overspend during their kitchen renovation and lose money on the project rather than making an ROI. 

While it’s possible to slightly increase your home value with kitchen upgrades, you can’t force your home value to rise by installing a high-dollar kitchen. To ensure your renovation doesn’t exceed the amount you can expect during resale, we recommend using this simple renovation calculator to determine what percentage of your home’s total value should be spent on a kitchen.

Track your Spending 

Once the kitchen remodeling project is underway, you’ll be swamped with things to do. During the commotion of a full kitchen upgrade, it will be hard to remember exactly which products have been purchased and at what cost. Don’t leave your kitchen remodeling budget maintenance up to your memory – instead, use a template like this one to track your spending. 

Budgeting for any home improvement project is essential.  By taking the right approach to your finances, you give yourself the opportunity to transform your Colorado Springs kitchen into the beautiful cooking space you’ve always wanted. 

Free In-home Kitchen Remodel Cost Estimates

Would you like to learn more about the costs of kitchen remodeling in Colorado Springs?  Call to schedule a free in-home consultation with Certified Kitchen Designer (CKD) Ed Medran, owner of Designer Kitchens.

Ed has decades of experience helping Colorado homeowners with kitchen remodeling. He will bring a female Certified Kitchen Designer with him so you will have two unique sets of eyes and ears to brainstorm your perfect kitchen design.

Call us now at (719) 228-9400

Or email us to schedule your free consultation

More to Read on Kitchen Remodeling

5 advantages of semi-custom kitchen cabinets

Kitchen Cabinets: Custom vs. Stock

How to Choose Kitchen Cabinets that Perfectly Fit Colorado Springs Homes


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